Singing lessons Belgrade – Eva music school

Singing lessons Belgrade Eva Music School

Classical singing lessons Belgrade have been offered by the Eva Music International Music School since the beginning.

By opening a department of modern music based on the internationally recognized RSL program. Our students can now learn modern singing.

In this text, we want to introduce you to the similarities and differences between these two types of singing.

In addition, it is very important for us to present to you the way our school works, which primarily strives for the highest quality music education for children and adults.

Modern singing lessons Belgrade

As when it comes to classical singing, the focus in the first lessons is the correct setting and upgrading of vocal technique. It involves setting the breath, opening the throat and forming a clear tone.

Without all these elements, it is not possible to achieve a good tone or intonation, which are key to singing.

What distinguishes modern singing the most is the modern repertoire. It can be done at the choice of the student. And also, by following the textbooks of the RSL system.

These specialized textbooks contain the most popular melodies from the last five decades of modern and popular music.

What makes the RSL program different?

As an integral part of the RSL program, students can use ready-made backing tracks, so in the initial stages of teaching they will not have to wait to gather a band in order to have a sense of making music together.

The diploma obtained after passing the exam is recognized in 63 countries around the world. In all of them, you can continue your education according to the same program without any problems.

However, if we take into account modern technologies and the possibility to study and take the exam online. There are no limits to this method.

Classical singing lessons Belgrade

Classical singing lessons Belgrade Eva Music School

When it comes to classical singing lessons, the setting of the technique is somewhat more demanding. And the repertoire is based exclusively on artistic music.

The setting of the classical singing technique includes:

  1. setting the breath using the muscles of the lower abdomen, ribs and back muscles with the realization of a direct impact on the diaphragm.
  2. Opening the throat, which means low setting of the root of the tongue and softening of the jaw in order to achieve free air flow, and thus free tone.
  3. Forming a tone in the so-called mask. Using the so-called high resonance of the head, where the tone is focused over the upper front teeth through the free throat over the upper palate and using the cheek muscles of the face and forehead.
  4. Soft vocal design to achieve register uniformity, but so that the text of the composition remains understandable.

The program we are working on is the authors of the so-called classical music. There are artistic vocals, baroque solo songs and arias. German lead, Russian romances, opera arias, as well as Italian canzones.

Here we rely on the ABRSM method , the world’s leading system when it comes to learning classical music.

We have written about it several times on our website: about the method , the difference in relation to the national program and about the application of the ABRSM diploma abroad .

Individual singing lessons Belgrade

Individual singing lessons Belgrade Eva Music School

Singing lessons Belgrade are exclusively individual, one on one with the teacher.

Based on the characteristics of students, their specific abilities and affinities, the teacher creates a work program, selects compositions considering the wishes of students.

It encourages the development of students’ vocal abilities and raises their self-awareness. In addition, we are working on developing an inner feeling with the guidance of the teacher in order to achieve the best possible technical results.

Special attention is paid to the interpretation of compositions that are worked on during the technical and artistic development of students.

Students are encouraged to develop their own interpretation through musical material on which it works. Relying on it vocal abilities and personal emotional experiences. In this phase of work, it is necessary to cooperate with a piano associate.  Piano accompanist together with the teacher and the student, works on all aspects of a particular piece of music.

The structure of time

In the first part of the class, teacher talks to the student about its experiences while working on himself. Whether it is at the very beginning of working together or in some later stages.

The next part approaches exercises for stretching, warming up the voice and developing voice abilities. It is a common example that a professor forms or selects them based on the program being processed.

Work on the compositions follows, depending on the program being worked on. This is also the most complex and long part of the class, because it contains the most elements that are being worked on.

Finally, there is an analysis of what was achieved in class and giving advice to the student for independent work and practice at home and an agreement on what and how to do next.

Online singing lessons

The time of the pandemic was difficult for all of us, but it also taught us to regularly use many tools that were unknown to us until then.

In a similar way, singing lessons can be completely or occasionally remote. Currently, at the International Music School “Eva Music”, we have students who learn to sing both directly and online.

We developed online learning techniques during the pandemics and over time came up with the best and most effective solutions in telecommuting. In addition, our online attendees have regular public appearances. Namely, four times a year we organize concerts for them online.

These two techniques can also be combined in the event that a student who has live classes is occasionally prevented from physically coming to school. In a similar way, students who do not live in Belgrade can come several times a year to perform at the concert and have a few hours live.

All you have to do is choose your favorite online application and a singing teacher can be there for you wherever you are.

Who are the singing lessons for?

Singing classes are intended for everyone – both children and adults.

When it comes to singing, we advise you not to start learning before the voice is fully mature. In the case of female voices, it is about 14-15 years, and in the case of males a little later.

As for the upper age limit, it practically does not exist.

Working with children’s voices is also possible, but it requires prior assessment by our professors.

Public appearance

Singing lessons Belgrade Eva Music School - public performances

All our students have the opportunity to perform at four concerts a year. These are two performances in our school and two performances in renowned city halls such as the Kolarac Music Gallery or the Atrium of the National Museum.

For online students we organize a seperate, online concerts via Zoom application. One of the positive sides of these concerts is that everyone can come to listen. Usually there is audiance from all over the world.  

The benefits of public appearances are numerous – from increasing self-confidence to improving concentration and self-control. What we single out as the biggest benefit is the joy of making music, which is the meaning of playing music.

That is why public appearances are the most important part of our school year.

How to apply?

You can apply for a free trial via our email address: or phone numbers: +381654499727 or +38163558517. There are also our pages on social networks: Facebook and Instagram .