The First Concert of Modern Rock Department

After we laid strong foundations of the highest quality when it comes to education in the field of classical music, the time has come to open the door to electric sounds. Today, Saturday April 9th 2022, The First Concert of the Modern Rock Department was held.

When did it all start?

In October 2021, we opened a modern rock department at our music school.

The mission of this department is to provide the highest quality education when it comes to modern music. As a school, we want to contribute to the systematization of learning in this field. 

What is our mission?

It is known that few local artists manage to reach world fame, despite their talent. Our opinion is that this is due to the lack of thorough and systematic education in the field of rock, jazz, funk and other genres of modern music. We believe that in the coming decades we will succeed in producing world-class musicians.

The main help in that is provided by the RSL plan and program.

The first concert of the modern rock department Eva Music School

On Saturday, April 9, 2022, the first concert of our modern department was held. Who knows? Maybe the future world star is hiding among these people.

At this link you can hear their performances: First concert of modern department – YouTube

How to enroll in a modern music school?

If you want to join our modern department, write to us at or call 063/558517

The first class is free.

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