Knowledge tests at the International Private Music School “Eva Music”

Why do we have regular knowledge tests at the International Private Music School “Eva Music” for students who are preparing for the internationally recognized ABRSM exams?

Frequent beginner mistakes of young schools, but also pedagogues, are those who try to provide additional motivation to students by loosening the criteria and unfounded praise .

As a result of this approach, there is a big gap between the feedback that the student and his parents receive from the school and the acquired knowledge that the student has.

When founding the First International Music School “Eva Music”, our vision was completely different .

A healthy foundation of all relationships is good communication

Parents of our students receive regular feedback from our teachers, and we pay special attention to the preparation of the ABRSM exam , and as part of it, our semi-annual knowledge review was held in February, as well as the exam rehearsal in mid-May.

In this way, parents receive feedback on the current knowledge of their children and additional advice in case they want to achieve a better result on the exam.

How do we evaluate students?

The assessment that we give to students at the semi-annual knowledge review is based on our, now great experience with ABRSM exams . After more than 60 of our students were evaluated by the ABRSM commission , our professors already have an insight into the standards of evaluation of this method , and they apply that knowledge.

Why are grades not important, and knowledge tests are?

We often say that the unofficial motto of our school is that every student may not be able to play the best, but he can play the best he can .

In accordance with it, we advise students that grades do not matter . With the good work of our professors, the motivation they get, their work at home, as well as regular public appearances, the pass rate of our students on the ABRSM exams is 100% .

But, thanks to the feedback in the middle of the school year, everyone got the opportunity to decide whether or not they want to invest extra effort at home .

Anyone who cares about better results than those who achieve with current work at home, we always say that a higher level of art requires great dedication and work and that without them there is no way to get the highest grades.

What are the benefits of testing knowledge?

At the knowledge tests, we get a performance practice that is assessed and that differs from the performance for the audience. When students perform at concerts, they play one or two compositions, and in addition to playing, the focus is on the joy that the concert brings, as well as socializing with peers and the audience.

On the knowledge tests, as well as on the exam itself, students must work on longer focus, concentration, musical flow, and also on the mental strength they need to recover after a possible mistake , which in this case has more weight because mistakes affect on the outcome of the exam and grade.

they pass the exam procedure several times in controlled conditions in the knowledge tests , they will be able to better focus their strength and concentration on their playing instead of on unknown circumstances.


Thanks to this approach, we have gained the great trust of the parents of our students who know that they will receive the right information at any time – both praise and criticism that are necessary when it comes to progress .

addition, they know that working with their children is comprehensive and without fear leave us the initiative to prepare for the exam , and the internationally recognized ABRSM diploma they receive at the end of each school year is an additional guarantee of knowledge acquired at the First Private International Music School “Eva Music”.

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