Master class
We wanted to organize master classes by world-renowned domestic. In a new way.
Master classes of famous solo singers
David Bižić was the first to gave us his trust back in 2018.
Our famous baritone David Bižić was the first to show his trust in our school. In the fall of 2018 and at the end of 2019, he held two extremely successful and popular master classes with the piano support of Dario Humenjuk and Dragana Anđelić Bunjac.
Since the number of registered singers was greater than the capacity of the number of classes, David Bižić made a selection of candidates based on the recordings.
Other singers, as well as numerous professors, filled all the seats in the audience as passive participants and absorbed the knowledge and advice of our famous baritone.
David Bižić's master class was attended by singers and professors from numerous cities in Serbia and Montenegro.
In the spring of 2019, baritone Boris Martinović was also a guest, who shared his knowledge with numerous students, and among the guests were participants from Poland. Dario Humenjuk provided piano support this time as well.

So far we have had the opportunity to host...

David Bižić
When we announced that the world, and our baritone David Bižić, who at that moment was singing the lead role at the Metropolitan Opera in New York - everyone was delighted!

Dimitrije Vasiljević
Doctor of piano who completed his studies at the famous Berklee Academy. He discussed the basics of jazz music with the participants of the master class, as well as management in culture and art.

Ivan Zoranović Kiza
Kiza is a guitarist who currently plays in the permanent lineup of Nelet Karajlić and Nikola Vranković and the band "Galija".
Thanks to Kiza, the sounds of the electric guitar reverberated through the premises of our music school.

Boris Martinović
After his debut at Carnegie Hall, he began to sing in houses all over the USA and Europe. He recorded his collections with Placido Domingo and Monserrat Caballe, and today he is the opera director of the Morlacchi Opera in Perugia.

Active participation in the Master Class
Active participation in the masterclass means that the participant has an individual lesson with the professor during which he can directly receive advice. The tips are related to: improving the technique of playing or singing, ways of practicing, as well as suggestions on understanding the piece of music - its dynamics, articulation and interpretation. The bonus, which our greats always give to the students, is advice in the form of behavior at big auditions and entrance exams, types of music markets in the world and the personal professional experience of the lecturer.
Passive participation in the Master Class
Passive participation in the masterclass means that the participant has the opportunity to follow the entire event from the audience. Through passive presence one also learns. This type of attendance at the masterclass is suitable for students who are at the beginning of their musical career, without much experience with public performances, where they have the opportunity to feel what it all looks like by observing and listening to their colleagues and try themselves as active participants next time.

Masterclasses 2025.
Masterclasses with eminent domestic pianists will be held on 8-9. and 22-23. March 2025
We will be joined by pianists and professors at the Music Academies, among them: Ljiljana Vukelja, Nebojša Maksimović, Mihajlo Zurković, Aleksandar Djermanović, Milan Miladinović and Zlata Maleš.
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