Piano lessons Belgrade International Music School “Eva”

Piano lessons Belgrade are what children in music schools have most often decided on through the generations. They played different instruments, but most often they decided on the piano. Even today, the situation has not changed.

The piano invites children with its attractive black-and-white smile, pleasant sound and easy song that quickly forms under one or more little fingers.

The piano is truly irresistible and therefore for many children the first and often the only choice.

Why learning the piano is different from learning other instruments

Beethoven is known to have said that learning the piano is easiest at the beginning and the most difficult at the end.

At the beginning, it is easiest because the instrument is tempered, in the starting position each key is under a separate finger and already in the first class the result is there – several songs are arranged in the children’s repertoire.

Skilful children’s fingers dancing on the races very quickly create beautiful tones.

Due to such an efficient beginning, in which it is enough to know how to count the duration of a note, we often say that learning a piano does not require a particularly developed hearing, but a sense of rhythm plays a much more important role.

But, during the first year of study, the requirements become significantly more complicated

Unlike the most instruments on which only the main melody is mostly interpreted, on the piano it is necessary to play the accompaniment at the same time.

The main melody is the part of the music that attracts the most attention because it is the basis around whose structure other elements are built.

Pupils who play the piano overcome memory and motor challenges, because they play with both hands and different musical text with each one.

The accompaniment is less conspicuous, but without it, the melody itself would not have support and its beauty and significance would not be able to fully come to the fore.

From this we can conclude that students who play the piano will soon face greater memory and motor challenges. As both hands play different sheet music, students must remember many more different notes.

Piano lessons Belgrade at our music school

What sets the teaching at the First International Music School “Eva” apart from others is the way we help our students succeed in that.

From day one, students are helped to improve their memory through understanding the structure of music – its shape and harmony. What is even more important, by connecting all these elements, they will recognize the basic laws in each subsequent composition with the help of the teacher and apply the already acquired knowledge to reach the next result faster.

Piano lessons Belgrade at the first international private music school “Eva Music”

The elements of the melody are done through reading the notes in rhythm and understanding the basic metrics of the beat. This means that we have implemented important elements of solfeggio in our teaching which help students learn to read notes quickly.

Without knowledge of the musical structure of smaller and larger units, it is not possible to fully understand and interpret a single piece of music.

In addition to working on understanding music, our school also systematically works on piano technique.

Piano lessons Belgrade and work on piano technique at The First International Music School “Eva”

A very important element of playing an instrument is good technique. Good technique first involves a relaxed state of the whole body. As a consequence of this natural approach, the sound of the piano is warm and beautiful, and the tones are mostly equal in sound.

In the first phase, the most important thing is to build a good portato tone. Portato is an unrelated playing of tones where most work is done on a free fall of the hand, fixing the tip of the finger and listening to the quality of the tone.

A very important element of playing an instrument is good technique.

When good contact is established with the instrument, work begins on the independence of the fingers and the connected playing – legato. This means that the student works on connecting the melody without interruption in the sound, while remaining well grounded in the race with the help of the whole hand.

Piano lessons Belgrade – Development of hearing

During the work on the technique, work on the development of hearing in young pianists begins. Although each tone is tempered, the richness of the piano sound has a wide range. By constantly checking the quality of the tone, the student eventually gets used to the sound standard that needs to be achieved.

What is important to say is that we try to make all technical elements  to be worked through musical requirements, because all work on technique must first and foremost be in the function of understanding music.

How an individual approach can significantly improve the quality of learning piano

As it is already known, in our school, instrument classes are individual. This means that we have the opportunity to approach each child in a unique way – depending on age and emotional maturity, but also concentration and current mood.

When it comes to learning an instrument, one should be aware that it is a process that takes years. During that time, the children grow, and the professors are there to guide them, work on improving their weak points, and encourage and advance their virtues.

The pedagogical experience of a piano teachers in the private school “Eva Music” helps if children easily lose motivation.

We all have a desire for our students to progress quickly, but it is not uncommon for children to give the impression of stagnation in learning for months. It happens that both parents and children want to give up. But then maturation occurs, the difficulty is suddenly overcome and the child and the teacher get additional motivation to go further.

Our pedagogical experience, knowledge and the ability to recognize that this will happen helps us the most in overcoming such crises. That is why children in our music school very rarely give up.

Piano lessons Belgrade -public appearances and internationally recognized exams

An additional incentive for all our students is the four concerts during the school year. They are there to motivate children to work and progress, but also to help them overcome their fear through public appearances. Concerts are a wonderful opportunity to socialize, but also events where we all look forward to follow our together achievements.

Piano concert at the private music school “Eva”

In addition to the concerts, there is also the possibility of taking internationally recognized exams of the British ABRSM method. Exams at the end of each year are important so that children can formally round out their progress and receive comment from an objective and highly professional commission.

When and how the piano was made

The piano was created at the beginning of the 18th century as the successor of clavichords and harpsichords, also instruments with keys. The advantage of the new instrument was a more powerful sound and the ability to play with dynamics. This meant that the tone became louder or quieter depending on the strength of the pressure on the keys. The original name of the piano is  fortepiano which in free translation means an instrument that can be played loud and quiet.

Piano history and its development

As the years passed, the piano developed and slowly began to replace all its predecessors. It didn’t take long for him to become a favorite for both solo playing and accompaniment, and he was soon included in the standard orchestra.

Although almost everything is known about the piano today, and there is an advertisement on the Internet that it can be learned in three weeks, we think it is important to describe to you how the piano is taught in our school.

After passing the exam


Nowadays, when the offer of music teaching is wide ranged, parents are faced with a big dilemma for what kind of teaching to choose. The decision is mostly influenced by location and price.

What we suggest is that you always inquire about the experience and work of your children’s future teachers. Without a complete approach that involves working on understanding, technique, and public concerts opportunities, your child may not acquire knowledge that he or she will be able to upgrade or apply in the future.

Taking exams according to the internationally recognized method for us as a school is an additional confirmation because our students take them with one hundred percent pass, and a big number of them with the highest grades.